Sep 4, 2024

The Power of Community: Navigating New Terrain at VAST Data

The Power of Community: Navigating New Terrain at VAST Data

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Brian Verkley, Product Marketing Manager

Joining VAST Data was a thrilling opportunity for me. As a seasoned professional with years of experience in the technology sector, I was eager to dive into the rapidly evolving world of AI. However, even with a wealth of experience under my belt, stepping into a new role always brings its own set of challenges. The excitement of entering a dynamic, fast-growing startup was accompanied by the recognition that I was venturing into a space filled with new systems, new colleagues, and the ever-evolving complexities of AI technology.

Adapting to a Distributed Workforce

One of the unique aspects of VAST is that most of our team is distributed. We don't have a central office where people can casually meet and exchange ideas in person. Instead, we rely heavily on online communication to stay connected. Initially, I wondered how I would quickly build relationships and tap into the collective knowledge of the team in this virtual environment.

Fortunately, VAST has embraced Slack as our primary communication tool. Unlike the traditional, slower pace of email, Slack provides a platform for quick, real-time exchanges. This wasn't just a convenience; it became an essential part of how I navigated my new role and rapidly familiarized myself with the company and the industry.

Leveraging Slack for Immediate Insights

Early on, I found myself in need of deeper insights into how our product was being utilized within a particular vertical. Despite my extensive experience, this was new territory, and I wanted to ensure I was approaching it with the best information available. Knowing that time is often a critical factor, I reached out directly to a VP via Slack—someone who I knew could offer guidance or point me in the right direction.

What struck me was the immediacy and openness of the response. Within minutes, the VP not only connected me with the right people but also offered words of encouragement that underscored the company’s culture of collaboration. The colleagues he introduced me to were eager to help, walking me through the data and setting up the necessary views. In a short span of time, I gained valuable insights that allowed me to excel in my task and further contribute to our team’s success.

The Value of Community in a Virtual Workspace

At VAST, our Slack community is more than just a tool for communication—it’s a vibrant, dynamic space where knowledge is shared, problems are solved collectively, and innovation is fostered. It allows us to bridge the gap between individual expertise and the collective intelligence of the team.

In a distributed work environment, there’s always a risk of feeling isolated. It’s easy to assume that others are too busy, or that one should tackle challenges independently. But at VAST, our Slack community dispels that notion. Here, we’re encouraged to reach out, collaborate, and share our knowledge freely. This not only accelerates problem-solving but also enhances the quality of our work and fosters a culture where innovation thrives.

The Transformative Power of a Strong Community

This experience reaffirmed something I’ve learned throughout my career: even for the most seasoned professionals, having a community of peers is invaluable. The strength of any community lies in the willingness of its members to share knowledge, offer support, and collaborate toward common goals. This collective intelligence turns challenges into opportunities for growth.

Finding the right community can be transformative. Within these connections, we discover new perspectives, gain insights that might not be apparent on our own, and accelerate our development. A strong community empowers you to reach new heights, pushing you further and faster than you could go alone.

For me, being part of such a community at VAST has been instrumental in my journey. Mastery of new technologies and systems is enhanced when you are part of a network that amplifies your potential. The support, collaboration, and shared knowledge within a vibrant community turn individual efforts into collective success.  It’s a reminder that no matter how experienced we are, there’s always more to learn—and with the right community, the journey becomes much more rewarding.

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